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DEVRY NR447 WEEK 6 Interview with Nursing Quality Expert

by | Jun 8, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert:



The following is the purposes of this

Discuss the roles
and responsibilities of a Nursing Quality Expert in a selected healthcare

Review the
organization’s mission, vision, values, and beliefs.

Discuss the Nursing
Quality Expert’s
strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of
Medicine’s Quality initiatives and ONE
of the following core competencies.

1) Employ
evidence-based practice

2) Apply quality

3) Utilize

Conduct a core
competency-focused interview with a Nursing Quality Expert.

Articulate the
role of the BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan related to
selected IOM core competency.

Articulate what
was learned from time spent with interviewee and how own nursing practice will
change as a result of the encounter and completion of this assignment.


This assignment
enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in
the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the
oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)

CO 3: Participate in the development and implementation of
imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO #7)

CO 5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the
outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve
the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO #8)

CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational
systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO #7)

CO 7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and
initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice
improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO #2 and


This assignment is
worth a total of 200 points.

Due Date

This assignment, Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert, is due at the
end of Week 6. Submit your completed interview, using the Interview Form, to
the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Post questions to
the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional
See the Course Policies regarding late assignments.
Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction
of points.


1. Download the NR447 Interview Form from Doc Sharing. It is found
under the Week 6 Interview link.

2. Select your interviewee, schedule and conduct an interview. This
individual must be a Registered Nurse employed in a leadership role as a
Nursing Quality Expert. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include, but
are not limited to: Quality Care Coordinator, Performance Improvement
Officer/Coordinator, Director of Quality Assessment, Compliance Officer, Safety
Director, Regulatory Officer/Director If you have any concerns about whether
the RN is “suitable” for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule and conduct the

3. Review all areas of inquiry on the Interview Form located in Doc
Sharing PRIORto conducting the
interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview. However,
you may not give it to the individual and ask him or her to complete it and
return it to you.

4. Note there are three areas of inquiry to discuss with the RN/Nursing
Quality Expert.

5. Prior to conducting interview, review two scholarly resources related to the ONE aforementioned core
competencies upon which you plan to focus. These resources should guide your
interview process and understanding of the Nursing Quality Expert’s role and
responsibilities as it relates to the selected core competency. If you have
questions about what constitutes a scholarly resource, please ask your

6. Prior to interview, review the organization’s mission, vision,
values and beliefs.

Note that practice impact must be addressed by YOU and is a very
important criterion

8. Conduct the interview. The length of your interview will vary but
should not exceed one hour.

9. Submit the form to the Dropbox prior to the deadline outlined above.


Grading Criteria





Scholarly Resources



Name two resources reviewed prior to conducting interview related
to selected core competency.

Describe how each resource helped student prepare for and conduct interview.

APA formatting for two resources is




Initials, credentials, job title, and length in present position of
interviewee are provided. Date and time of interview are provided. Working
phone number of interviewee is provided for instructor to follow-up if

Scope of Responsibility



Provide a paraphrased or summary of
the interviewee’s answer indicating major responsibilities and number of
direct reports (staff who report to him/her). If none, please say so.
Indicate total operational budget for which interviewee is responsible. If unwilling
to share, say so. You may quote the
interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of
everything that was said. Bulleted items may be used.

Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs
of the Organization



Provide a paraphrased or summary of
the interviewee’s answer.Do not
quote from the website. Use the Nursing
Quality Expert’s interpretation of these. You may quote the interviewee, but
sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim
transcript of everything that was said.

Bulleted items may be used

Strategic Plan as it Relates to ONE Core Competency



Name the core competency. Provide a
paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer about how the core
competency is incorporated in a unit, department,
and organization’s strategic plan. You
may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim
transcript of everything that was said.

Bulleted items may be used.

Role of BSN-Prepared Nurse to support strategic plan as it relates to
the same core selected



Provide a paraphrased or summary of
the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support
strategic plan as it relates to selected core competency. You may quote the interviewee, but
sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.

Bulleted items may be used.

Practice Impact



Summarize specifically what you learned from interaction with
interviewee. Describe how your own
nursing practice will change as a
result of learning about roles and responsibilities of interviewee, the core
competency, and completion of this assignment.

Scholarly Writing



Name of student and date of interview
appears on Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct.
Evidence of spell and grammar check. Resources are formatted according to


200 points


A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of
the above requirements.

Grading Rubric



or Highest Level of Performance


Very Good or
High Level of Performance


Competent or
Satisfactory Level of Performance


Poor or
Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance

Scholarly Resources

20 points

Specifically names two scholarly resources reviewed PRIOR to

Thoroughly states how
EACH resource helped prepare for the interview.

18–20 points

Names two resources reviewed PRIOR to interview, but are not
necessarily scholarly in nature.

States how EACH resource helped prepare for the interview.

16–17 points

Names only one resource reviewed PRIOR to interview.

Briefly states how
resource helped prepare for the interview.

14–15 points

Does not name scholarly resources and/or does not indicate how
resources helped prepare for the interview.

0–13 points


10 points

Provides initials, credentials, job title, date of interview,
and working phone number of interviewee.

9–10 points

Omits one element but maintains anonymity by providing only

8 points

Omits two or three elements.

7 points

Provides name instead of initials. Omits most or all of the

0–6 points

Scope of Responsibility

30 points

Provides a thorough summary of the interviewee’s
answer indicating major responsibilities, number of staff reporting to
him/her and total operational budget for whom interviewee is responsible.

28–30 points

Provides only highlights of the interviewee’s answer but leaves
out either responsibilities, number of staff reporting, or operational budget.

25–27 points

Provides brief paraphrased summary but leaves out two criteria.

23–24 points

Does not pose this question, or does not provide answers to
criteria. 0–22 points

Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs of the Organization

30 points

Provides a thorough paraphrased summary
of the interviewee’s answer, including his/her interpretation of the mission,
vision, values, and beliefs of the organization.

28–30 points

Provides only highlights of the interviewee’s answerbut does not include interviewee’s interpretation of mission or
vision orvalues or beliefs.

25–27 points

Provides a brief paraphrasedsummary of the interviewee’s answer but does not include interpretation
of two of the items.

23–24 points

Does not pose the question or does not provide answers to three
or more of the criteria.

0–22 points

Strategic Plan as it Relates to ONE Core Competency

30 points

Names the core competency correctly,
and provides a thorough paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s answer about
how a unit or department incorporates the core competency into the strategic

28–30 points

Describes the core competency but
does not necessarily name it correctly. Provides only highlights of the
interviewee’s answer regarding how a unit or department incorporates the core
competency into the strategic plan.

25–27 points

Describes a competency but not a core
competency. Provides a brief summary of the interviewee’s answer about how a unit
or department incorporates the competency into the strategic plan.

23–24 points

Does not pose the question or name a
competency. Does not provide a paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s

0–22 points

Role of BSN-Prepared Nurse to support strategic plan as it relates to the
same core competency

30 points

Provides a thorough paraphrased summary
of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support
the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.

28–30 points

Provides only highlightsof the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to
support the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.

25–27 points

Provides a brief paraphrasedsummary of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared
nurses to support the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.

23–24 points

Does not pose the question or fails to state the role of BSN-prepared
nurses in core competency as it relates to the strategic plan.

0–22 points

Practice Impact

30 points

Composes a thorough summary of what was learned from interaction
with the interviewee and describes how personal nursing practice will change
as a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of the interviewee.

28–30 points

Shares highlights of what was learned from interaction with the
interviewee AND describes how
personal nursing practice will change as a result of learning about
roles and responsibilities of the interviewee.

25–27 points

Shares a brief summary of what was learned from interaction with
the interviewee ORdescribes how
personal nursing practice will change. Does not include both.

23–24 points

Fails to summarize what was learned from interaction with the interviewee
AND fails to describe how personal
nursing practice will change.

0–22 points

Scholarly Writing

20 points

Name of student and date of interview appears on the Interview
Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. Evidence of spell and
grammar check.

Scholarly resources are in proper APA format.

18–20 points

Name of student and date of interview appears on the Interview

Minimal punctuation, sentence structure errors noted.

Few grammar or spelling errors are noted.

Scholarly resources contain one or two APA formatting errors.

16–17 points

Name of student or date of interview is missing.

Several punctuation, spelling and sentence structure errors

Scholarly resources contain three or more APA formatting errors.

14–15 points

Name of student or date of interview is missing.

Many punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure errors are noted.

Scholarly resources are not in APA format.

0–13 points

Total Points Possible= 200

Your score=

A quality assignment will meet
or exceed all of the above requirements.


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