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Assignment help 8492

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses The quality of collective action will determine the quality of results.

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All these stakeholders have individual roles to play in ensuring that the aims of education are achieved. However, to ensure quality education, these stakeholders do not just have to work in isolation but then have to work collectively. Elaborating how stakeholders can work collectively, Kodua (2001) posits that curriculum planners must understand the immediate educational aims of educational administrators and the learning requirements of learners and structure the curriculum in such a way that it meets these educational aims. The educational managers must in response ensure that all infrastructure and resources needed for the smooth running of education are supplied. Still working together, teachers must ensure that they deliver quality student-centered and interactive lessons that would ensure that learning becomes easier for students. On the part of supervisors, they must ensure that they monitor and assess the performance and delivery of teachers whiles students do everything possible to grasp lessons taught. It is only under such circumstance where the general aim of education is made to run through the delivery of education among all stakeholders that we can be assured of quality of collective action.


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