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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Human Resource Management High School.

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In addition, his character references have shown positive feedback with his work ethic and study habits.

With this kind of academic background, it is blatantly obvious that the part of the benefits package which would most likely appeal to Peters is the company’s apparent conduciveness to higher learning. The case states that Beco Electric encourages advanced education, fully subsidizing all expenses for tuition and books. And to top it all off, the company would even allow its employees to attend classes during the day, depending on the circumstance. A harmonious, mutually beneficial working relationship would even result in scholarships for all dependents of the employee.

Judging from his description, these are the facets of the benefits program which Mr. Peters would find most attractive. Of course, having the standard health insurance and profit sharing plans never hurt, but if one is very serious with his continuing studies, this reflects a personality which would not give much credence to financial compensation. Mr. Peters is an academic achiever and has shown significant leadership potential, hence the company’s flexible continuing education schemes should bode well for him .

Other benefits which may favor Mr.


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