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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Write 16 page essay on the topic Comparisons of the Offences of water Pollution in UK.

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To some extent the Government priorities are determined by European Community (EC) law and other international agreements. There are over 300 EC Directives dealing with environmental matters: about 30 concern water. If pollution occurs, including when the conditions of a consent is broken, a criminal offence has been committed. In these cases the polluter can be prosecuted, usually by the Environmental Agency, and may be fined and made to clean up the pollution. Prosecution is a last resort. The Secretary of State has powers under the Water Resources Act 1991 to set statutory objectives, giving the Government and the Environment Agency a legal duty to ensure that they are achieved. These powers have been used to establish environmental water quality standards for particular stretches of inland and other coastal waters to fulfill the requirements of the European directives. Examples include bathing waters, shellfish waters or sources for drinking water supply. The EC surface water Abstraction Directives (75/440/EC) set quality objectives for the surface water sources from which drinking water is taken. The Water Resources Act 1991 consolidated previous water legislation in respect of both quality and quantity of water resources.


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