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Assignment help 8387

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Hi, I need help with essay on Managing Communication and Change. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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I had to go through the ordeal of learning new concepts which I wasn’t too keen on. The worst part of this was the management’s ineffective communication. This in effect didn’t show any great results. The downside to it is the loss of a few team members as they found the change too much to deal with. The ‘tipping point’ comes into the picture here. Upon hearing that a particular company was not as ‘experimental’ as ours and that an employee had got a great salary along with a promise of better future prospects, several team members quit the company. This led to drastic measures being implemented to retain people and also had the management discuss the problem individually with all the employees identified to have been having problems adjusting to change. This new method of communication, to an extent, did succeed. Thing were back to normal after that and the organization didn’t show poor results. I am still unhappy about the time I had to lose, because the organization believed it had to change just for the sake of it. The results were good even after continuing with the older practices. It is agreed in general that change is good for any organization but it is not true in all cases.


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