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Assignment help 8356

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Distribution channel. It needs to be at least 500 words.

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Efficient distribution channel is essential for every business as it allows smooth movement of the product from producer to the final consumer. Majority organizations make use of intermediaries including retailers, sales persons and wholesalers to sell their product to the final consumers. In my view, the best way of getting your product to the market is through having your own distribution channel. Advertising through internet will certainly help increase sales and reduce cost. Dell Computers, without any third party’s assistance has been selling its product through internet and is quite successful. There is a possibility that the third party’s involvement in the distribution might disrupt availability of the product to the customers on time due to hoarding or personal benefits or even might result in inability or failure to meet the targets. Role of advertising in the marketing process Advertising is basically a marketing communication channel through which a product is communicated to the target consumers. Today, media has advanced so much that the message can be disseminated throughout the world in seconds. Hence, the role of advertising in the marketing process has also increased world-wide.


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