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Assignment help 8353

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Write 2 page essay on the topic Outline a basic model of interpersonal communication.

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First and foremost are the verbal communication skills. There are five communication skills in human beings that determine the ability (to communicate).Two for sending. writing and speaking and two receiving skills. reading and listening. The fifth skill namely reasoning, affects all the above mentioned skills and is important to both sending and receiving. [1]

The second factor is that of Knowledge or more precisely the level of knowledge about the subject in focus during communication (of either the sender or receiver). Take for example an electrical engineer talking to a doctor on medical issues might be ill at ease and vice versa since the knowledge domains of the two are entirely different. AT the same time, however both might be quite comfortable in discussing the current political situation. [1]

The position of the sender and the receiver in their respective social systems is also one factor that affects the nature of communication. The position can be looked at from different dimensions such as those of age, gender, religion or other demographic factors as well as social status, income level e.t.c. one can either be in a similar, higher, or lower position in their respective social systems.


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