you will be performing research on a subject that is related to your major that will form the foundation for your final paper. First, choose a question that you relates to your major that you could use Quantitative Methods to measure and analyze. Refer to the questions below for potential examples. Then, using those sources, compose a paper of at least 1,200 words that includes a problem statement that describes the question you want to be answered and provides robust background information on that topic. Be sure to include in-text citations of at least two external sources that meet academic standards (newspapers, journal articles, etc.); using resources in SHARC, such as ProQuest, is strongly encouraged.
Example Questions
- Is there an association between smoking and absenteeism at work?
- Do employees think that the workplace is so uncivil that they plan to leave soon?
- Is the Affordable Care Act impacting healthcare in a positive or negative way?
Remember, you are free to choose your topic, so think carefully about not only the subject matter but also how you plan to measure responses to this issue and who you plan to survey. You are encouraged to pick a topic that interests you but can also be analyzed appropriately, so feel free to e-mail your instructor with ideas if you require additional guidance.