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Assignment help 8224

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Medical school Application.

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I then started having a different esteem on life and life. This was the main reason that motivated me in working in the field of health care. I began my new career, as volunteer at the medical of rehabilitation, trying to help people recover from health problemes and earn life again. I worked in the chiropractics department near Dr Bringleson, the center owner, as a chiropractor for a while. Having been too optimistic before the two accidents, I hadn’t applied at the college wishing to work in the field of martial arts. However, after consulting my high school guide on professional orientation, I soon started applying to colleges for University studies. This choice led me to centennial college of general arts and science. This was the first time in my life I started to have true goals and interests, seeing things now from another prism. Things then got totally different for me, as I began succeeding in my studies, and being awarded prized for my efforts, despite my past of failure at school. I then saw improvement on my mother’s physical health, and following courses of medicine on the Internet, starting getting mature, also due to the accidents that had occurred before, which helped in becoming more responsible.


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