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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

I will pay for the following essay Anosmia. The essay is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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Out of these disorders, Anosmia, Dysosmia, Parosmia and Phantosmia have been discussed. ‘The Human Hypothalamus’ by Swaab discusses anosmia in detail and also focuses on the importance of sense smells and how human life can be affected by it, how it would be like never to smell the aroma of food or the scent of the flowers around. It also gives a brief view of the location of the olfactory nerves and how the taste buds can get affected due to the malfunction f these nerves. ‘Chemical Senses’ by Moncrieff presents the causes of anosmia which make it easier to diagnose and determine the main symptoms of this disease. It mostly occurs due to severe blockages in the nasal cavity and also due to passive smoking. Goldfrank talks about the dangers that can result due to anosmia in his book Goldfrank’s Toxicological Emergencies’. By reading about the dangers that are related to this disease, one can easily understand the importance of the sense of smell and hence it enables them to follow the necessary precautions so as to avoid it. Lack of sense smell can lead to deaths in most severe cases and these facts have been explicitly discussed by Goldfrank.


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