Is it correct to say that the irony in line 17 to 19 of the poem is that all of the workers travelling on the train appear to be well connected socially to each other that they are in fact lonely when they make way to ‘the loneliness beyond’?
My view is of the irony present in these lines is that despite being in a crowd one can still be lonely and this is the them of the poem? Am i interpreting the irony and theme correctly?
The Loneliness Beyond by Sipho Sepamla
Like raindrops pattering
They come singly and in pairs
Then as a torrent the rush of feet
Shuffles onto platforms
Dragging the last strains of energy.
I’ve seen hearts palpitating
Behind a single maskless face
Tired from the hurrying of a city
Spirits maimed by commands
I’ve heard clicks of tongues
Laughter rising above the grouse of mouths
That never rest
From grinding complaints.
Like sheep herded into the kraal
They crowd numbered coaches
Hopeful of a safe landing.
I’ve watched the multitudes rub shoulders
And I’ve wondered what they do
With the loneliness beyond;
I’ve seen throngs of people
Disappear into little holes of resting
And I’ve pondered what might be happening
With the loneliness beyond