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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

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Because of the vast territory, there emerged a more global culture within the city-states which integrates their artistic styles into a single art form which we now call Hellenistic art (Greek Art 1).

The classical period has emphasized the shift from depicting gods and goddesses with their ideal forms into human beings in their natural state. This has been continued in the Hellenistic period yet “the artist of the Hellenistic era expanded his formal horizons with dramatic posing, sweeping lines, and high contrast of light, shadow and emotions” (Greek Art 2. From the simple depiction of Poseidon or Zeus in the classical era, the Hellenistic art comes up with more dramatic masterpieces such as the sculpture of Antinous which imparts deeper emotion. It should also be noted that the “subtle implications of greatness and humility of the classical era are replaced with bold expressions of energy and power” (Greek Art 3). The classical period’s Charioteer of Dephi even though recognized for the severity of movements is relatively static when compared to the Hellenistic period’s Boy Jockey which highlights tension.

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are considered the three greatest thinkers in Greece.


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