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Assignment help 8088

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words essay on the topic Organised Crime in Films ‘City Of God’.

Th? movi? shows how th? r?lativ? fr?qu?ncy of juv?nil? gun us? and poss?ssion, wh?n combin?d with th? abov?m?ntion?d situations, complicat?s th? futur? furth?r, and all of th?s? situations tog?th?r form organiz?d crim? as a sort of cultur? of d?linqu?ncy that pr?s?nts a dang?r for thos? juv?nil?s who do not hav? mor? fulfilling ways with which to occupy th?ir tim?. So many p?opl? com? to th? wrong conclusions about juv?nil?s and automatically assum? that th?y don’t want to do productiv? activiti?s such as sports and clubs, but would rath?r join a gang. This may b? wrong in th? long run, b?caus? of probl?ms of acc?ss to th?s? mor? productiv? activiti?s in som? ar?as. Making th?s? activiti?s and organizations availabl? to a wid?r rang? of stud?nts could produc? significant bulwarks against th? downward spiral into th? abov?m?ntion?d patt?rns of d?structiv? b?havior, chi?f among th?m b?ing gang viol?nc?. This typ? of “viol?nc? oft?n r?sults from a compl?x int?raction of ?nvironm?ntal, social, and psychological factors such as th? l?arn?d b?havior of r?sponding to conflict with viol?nc?, th? ?ff?cts of drugs or alcohol, th? pr?s?nc? of w?apons, th? abs?nc? of positiv? family r?lationships and adult sup?rvision” (Posn?r, 1998).


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