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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Front-end and back-end processes of office automation.

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The back-end system, on the other hand, serves as the back-up system. The main tasks include organization, administration and maintenance of the data pooled in the system from the front-end. Another indispensable task is analysis of data mainly through the creation of programs that can automatically complete the synthesis of information fundamental to the operation. Thus, the back-end system commonly involves the concluding stage of data processing (“Back-end,” 2005. Goldfield, 1987). The typical system that is being utilized is that which involves a network of hardware stations. The main job of the front end of the system is to input the raw data regarding the main task of the establishment. The back-end system, on the other hand, concludes and analyzes the processes involved in the system and produced output for the business.

The utilization of the system of automation that employs workflow database technology can perform important advantages in any business establishment. One of the benefits of such system is that can adopt on the basis of the scale of the institution or the business. Thus, the applicability ranges from small business to a large scale and complex operations.


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