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Assignment help 8066

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Lanval by Marie De France.

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Lanval speaks about a knight who is ignored despite of his services and loyalty. He serves King Arthur. The story reveals that a maiden, after covering a long and tiring journey, reaches to meet and be with the knight. Marie explains the feelings in such wonderful words that readers are compelled to feel the passion of the maiden and her true and affectionate love for the knight. “Love pricks him, strikes in him the spark” (49) this line tells the knight’s feelings and his first step towards his love. He says to the lady “All others for you I abandon” (55), and so their love relationship starts. Lanval without any doubts is the story of love. It fascinates the reader and makes him feel the love between the knight and his lady. The reader feels happiness and pleasure after knowing the purity and truthfulness of the lovers.

Love is emotion which comes from the inside and makes a person forget everything except the person he loves. This feeling can make one brave and forget his boundaries. Thus, it can be compared to knighthood as being a knight gives one the same feeling as in love. As one knight gets brave and courageous when completing a task, love also makes one that brave and courageous.


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