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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Write 1 page essay on the topic Productivity Environmental Preference Survey.

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The amount of sound and light in the learning or work environment can have a dramatic effect on the individual’s ability to learn in the environment and be productive. The temperature of the room also has a substantial effect on how an individual is able to process and assimilate information in a given circumstance. These factors can also have an impact on the individual’s motivation to learn and how they learn. Individual motivation can come from external or internal sources and is directly effected by the environmental conditions discussed above, such as lighting, temperature, noise levels, and other various distractions that may present themselves within the environment. Although these variables are all controllable, they are sometimes outside of the scope of the individual’s control and can diminish the individual’s desire to learn. Ensuring that the room is lit to the person’s tolerance levels, noise is kept to their particular preference, and that the room temperature is comfortable or that they have sufficient clothing to stay warm will all help to keep the person motivated and their productivity at a substantial level. References Lee, S. &amp. Bozeman, B. (2005, October).


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