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Assignment help 7817

by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

I will pay for the following essay Politics. The essay is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

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The third stage is characterized by the solving the problem is demanding both in terms of finance and in sacrificing our comfort. In some cases, the issue can be solved by advances in technology without sacrificing our comfort but in other cases, especially in social problem, such sacrifices may be necessary and this form part of the third stage. Realizing the cost of the solution to the problem leads to a gradual decline in public interest in solving the problem. This gradual decline which result from some member of the public feeling threatened by the cost of the solution, other becoming discouraged and yet others overcome by boredom, constitute the fourth stage in the cycle. The final stage in the cycle is characterized by lesser attention or occasional interest in the problem by the problem. For a social problem to pass through these five stages it must have three characteristics. In the first place, relatively only a numerical minority suffers from the problem. Second, a majority or powerful minority benefit from the existence of the problem. Third, the problem is intrinsically unexciting.


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