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by | Jun 24, 2023 | Posted Assignments

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Annotated Bibliography on Oedipus The King.

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He, thus, completes his movement towards introversion by blinding his eyes. Hoey’s interpretation of the play as one which moves from extroversion/superficiality/blindness to introversion/profundity/sight, is a highly interesting and persuasively argued one.

McDonald, David. “The Trace of Absence: A Derridean Analysis of Oedipus Rex’.” Theatre Journal. 31 (1979): 147-161. Arguing that deconstruction dominates throughout Oedipus Rex, McDonald critically analyzes Sophocles’ wok from the perspective of character, plot, scenes and events. As his analysis establishes, the protagonist, initially presented to readers as a strong and vibrant young man, is deconstructed throughout the play and is ultimately reduced to a lowly, despised and blind man, guilty of the worst sins. The concepts of family and kingship are similarly deconstructed and exposed, within the context of the plot, as little other than lies and illusions. While this particular analysis may lend to the conclusion that Sophocles’ play is little other than a vitriolic attack on society and the values upon which it is founded, McDonald explains that nothing is farther from the truth.


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