Step Two: Write a 3-paragraph reflection on the following questions about your editorial team process —
- What is something your group has done so far to encourage positive interdependence? Your answer should show that you understand this trait (described in the linked document, above). How well have your strategies worked so far? What will your group do to encourage positive interdependence during the final week of this publication project. What is your group’s strategy for promoting accountability.
- How do you think your team can best utilize online work spaces during your work on the final publication? What aspects of Canvas have already proven helpful in promoting positive interdependence, or might be helpful going forward? Have you discovered alternative online teamwork options that you prefer?
- What do you think are (or might be) the advantages of working as a team in an eLearning environment, that are different than working face-to-face? Discuss what you think “virtual” work spaces can (or can’t) offer you, in this class or in the future? Use specific examples of things you’ve done with teams online and/or in-class, and things your team wants to do with its final publication, to support your points.