Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Clash of Globalizations.
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The issue of transnational terrorism has turned out to be a dilemma for the think tanks within the US. Not only in a pragmatic context, this issue has the ability to destabilize the internal security within the US, but it can also jeopardize the US interests scattered all around the world. Till now, the US has primarily resorted to a militarist approach of punishing the states that harbour and support terrorism (Hoffman, 2). The other time consuming yet less controversial approach of building up an international pressure on the states sponsoring terrorism visibly seems to lack the whole hearted backing and commitment of the US administration (Hoffman, 2).
The crux of the transnational terrorism has its origins in poverty and illiteracy. The removal of the existing barriers to communication by the contemporary global trend towards a free flow of information enables the poorest of the poorest throughout the world to compare their plight with the affluent and the well to do (Hoffmann, 4).