Write a short program that uses the XLAT instruction to convert the BCD numbers 0–9 into
ASCII-coded numbers 30H–39H. Store the ASCII-coded data in a TABLE located within
the data segment. This is the program i wrote will it work or do i need to change something. Thanks
TABLE DB 30H, 31H, 32H, 33h, 34H ;lookup table
DB 35H, 36H, 37H, 38H, 39H
LOOK: MOV AL,0 ;Load AL with 0 (a test number)
MOV CL,0 ;Start counter
ADD AL,CL ;Add AL and counter
MOV BX, OFFSET TABLE ; Address lookup table
XLAT ;Convert
INC CL ;Increment CL
CMP CL,9 ;compare to see if
JBE ;Jump if CL <
RET ;Return